Nike Insights is a Christian ministry designed to share light received from studies on God’s Word as they relate to the spiritual and political issues of our time. Nike Insights is not a business or a government created corporation, but a fellowship of men and women subject to the original jurisdiction of Matthew 28:19-20. We look to the living Christ for wisdom, insight, and sustenance.
We do not give legal advice, but we do consult the Lawgiver and His Word to gain perspective on the spiritual, moral, and legal revolution taking place in America today. The Scripture is our foundation; Christ our motivation; the gospel our salvation; His law our regulation; and, our purpose is education and reformation.
We are living in a culture seeking to win hearts and minds. The Scripture warns about being taken “captive” by intellectual movements that are contrary to Christ (Colossians 2:8). The great issue of our time is not whether Jesus is Lord and governs as the King of the Nations, but will Christian men acknowledge Him as such and surrender to His authority.
Men perform according to their theology where it be true or false. Let us make sure ours is true: ” . . .this is the “nike” (victory) that overcomes the world even our faith (our Biblical world view)” – 1 John 5:4
Peruse the website and enjoy it. If you are helped, we would appreciate a note from you. Likewise, if you find a way we can be more Biblical and more balanced, you are welcome to comment
Purpose: The word “Nike” is the Greek word for “victory,” (1 John 5:4): “This is the victory (nike) that overcomes the world, even our faith.” It is our prayer that men and women might find victory and hope from the light of truth in the Scripture. By using the Bible as our guide, the purpose of this work is to offer the bests insights on a subject of interest as it applies to the great theological and political issues of our day. As there is only One Lawgiver, NikeInsights is about true law, but it contributors do not offer “legal” advice connected with the BAR’s domain of codes and statutes.
Nike Trustees: James Simones, Frances Mehner, Carol Cambell, Melchior Savarese, Scott Jordan, Robert Cunningham.
Managing Trustee: Dr. Brook Stockton, a doulos of His Majesty in Heaven.
About the Trustees: All trustees are Christian men or women whose faith and faithfulness has been tested in the fires of affliction.
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