Brook Stockton, BA, MSL, PHD
Dr. Stockton is happily married and the father of five children. He graduated from Emmaus Bible School in 1968 and New Mexico State University (B.A.) in 1971. He received his Masters of Sacred Literature (M.S.L.) and Ph.D. in Theology from Trinity Seminary in Newburg, Indiana.
Pastor Stockton has 40 years ministerial experience in evangelism, church planting, counseling, Bible teaching, pastoral ministry,seminary professor, and legal researcher. He has taught Greek, Hebrew, OT Literature, NT Literature, Eschatology, Law, and Biblical Theology to post graduate students and was a Professor of Theology at Trinity Seminary. He is a former Principal of Mesilla Valley Christian School, President of Evangelical Ministerial Fellowship, Vice President of New Mexicans Against Pornography, Founder of Bethel Bible Fellowship, Integrity Ministries, Nike Research, and President of New Mexico Judicial Watch. He is published in Interest Magazine, Zion’s Fire, NM Perspectives, and Trinity Perspectives.
Dr. Stockton has taken three trips to the Holy Land, and has been involved in two archaeological excavations, one at Bethsaida and the other at Khirbet el-Maqatir (Ai). He has been a member of MBA and ETS, and served as Senior Pastor of Forest Meadow Baptist Church and Professor of Theology and Biblical Studies at Trinity Southwest in Albuquerque, New Mexico, TSWU. He has planted two churches and two Christian schools. He has been involved in independent non-registered Baptist churches. Further, As a proponent of freedom with responsibility under God, he has provided legal assistance (Isaiah 1:17) for American Citizens who are victims of political oppression and fraud. He understands the legal and political challenges of our time and hemlock justice in the courts. He has a great love for his family and friends, and his favorite thing in life is to sit around a table with people eager to know the Bible better — and don’t forget the coffee and cinnamon rolls.
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