Today, the Drudge Report led with an antisemitic campaign saying, “Google is failing to remove virulent antisemitic content from its YouTube video platform in an apparent breach of its own guidelines and the law.”
This is all prattle as the term “antisemitism” has more explosive power than a Bradley tank.
Let’s not be deceived by anti “antisemitism” propaganda of the Jewish controlled media.
First, no good Christian man is antisemitic because his best friends are true Jews: Jesus, Paul, Peter, John, Isaiah, Jeremiah, David, Samuel, Moses, and Abraham. Moreover, Christians are true Jews in the Biblical sense because they have a circumcised heart (Romans 2:29). So, they cannot possibly be antisemitic.
Second, those calling themselves “Jews” today are vigorously anti-Christ, anti-Christian, and anti-humanity. The hostility and bias of the Jewish, Zionistic media towards Christianity stands out like an ice pick thrust at your eyes.
Third, the term “antisemitism” is a misnomer because modern day Jews are not genetically related to Abraham and Shem. Rather, they are of European, Ashkenazi descent; i.e., they do not have one drop of Semitic, Jewish blood in them (Genesis 10:1-3). They are goy (Gentiles) who call themselves “Jews.” All of them. This is the hoax. This is the deception thrust down the throats of the uneducated, post-Christian West. And, this is the truth that Iranianians and Egyptians know. Palestinians have more Semitic blood in them than any Jew living in the Holy Land.
Fourth, many, but not all Ashkenazi so called “Jews” are political Zionists; that is, they work together to dominate and control the west through their corporate money-banking-monopoly system. It is not a coincidence that the Jews control Hollywood, the media, the Federal Reserve, and the banking industry in the United States.
Fifth, it is not unChristian to hate lies, deception , and propaganda; nor is it unChristian to hate imposters, deceivers, and manipulators like Zionists who have sold themselves out to money and shout “antisemitism” every time they are criticized for their evil ways. They are, after all, members of the synagogue of Satan.
Finally, many, but not all Ashkenazi so called “Jews” are racists to the core colluding with other Jews on how to dominate, control, and conquer the goy in Germany, Britain, and the U.S.A.; that is, to disestablish Christianity, to demoralize the people through pornography, and to divide these countries by promoting globalism.
So, if we criticize today’s “Jews,” are we antisemitic? Absolutely not!
What Americans and Europeans need to do is to show how anti-Christian these so called “Jews” really are and to expose their racist, Zionist, money-monopoly agenda in the West. They have, after all identified themselves with the anti-Christs of the first century . . .
“Who both killed the Lord Jesus, and their own prophets, and have persecuted us; and they please not God, and are contrary to all men” (1 Thessalonians 2:15).
Storm Brooks
Posted 3/18/3017
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